Monday, November 14, 2011

I Am An Idiot.

     My beloved cousins up in Portland get together and make frozen burritos. Lots of them. I'd be exaggerating if I said they make thousands of them, but they certainly make hundreds. They brought some down to Eugene right after Wyatt was born (I like to pretend that I got the most out of all of the Eugene Gilchrists, due to my favored status, but I don't think it's true).  I've been taking a frozen burrito to work for lunch every day ever since. It's been a lifesaver and the burritos are delicious.
It's proof of my idiocy
     The burritos are individually wrapped in wax paper and are filled with chicken, pork, or beef.
     The kitchen where I am working this fall is pretty bare. No plates or napkins (no sink to wash them), no silverware, no cups and no faucet. There is a fridge, freezer, microwave and coffee maker. So, I microwave the burrito on top of its wax paper. Usually I do this for about three and a half minutes. Sometimes the wax paper gets stuck to the burrito a bit but I can live with it.
     Today, eating THE LAST burrito that I was given, I microwaved it for about four and a half minutes for some reason. That's a long time. When I picked up my wax paper, the burrito fell through it, making a big hole in the middle. Again, for some reason, I didn't think much of this and took it into my office. I looked at the bottom of it. It was kind of slimy, but almost in an appetizing way. I thought to myself, "is there any chance there is wax on this?"
     I took a bite.
     I chewed for a few seconds.
     Something hard started crunching.
     I pulled out a bunch of hard wax from my mouth.
     I am an idiot.
     I took the burrito and ate into just the top of it, trying to avoid the wax, and made a mess.
     It still tasted like wax.
     I am an idiot.

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