A two-parter on when life begins and my views on abortion.
I just spent 1300 words explaining why I think life begins at conception. Know what? I don't think that really matters. I don't think that's the real issue here, or the real issue with abortion. I think the real issue is that people want to have sex without consequences. People like having their get-out-of-jail free cards and want to defend it and protect it and keep it legal, so they fight over it.
As I said last time, I am pro-life. I think the labels "pro-choice" and "pro-life" are stupid, because no one is really "anti-life" and no one is "anti-choice," but they are the political terms that have been solidified. I will use pro-abortion and anti-abortion to call it what it is.
I don't think there are many people that have the active, thoughtful mindset of "I don't care if I get pregnant (or my girlfriend does) because I can just have an abortion." I really don't. I figure at the very least, abortions are expensive and annoying, so people would rather avoid them. But I do think that in the back of peoples' minds, there is this notion that "it's okay if I (or my girlfriend) get pregnant because it doesn't have to change my life." That thought is there for a lot of people, and you will never convince me otherwise. How could it not be? This comforting thought allows men and women to have sex and if a girl gets pregnant, they can continue their lives essentially unaffected. This is good news, because sex is fun. And sex without consequences is more fun. If we can convince ourselves that sex without consequences is possible, sweet! That just means ignoring the fact that sex has an emotional hook to it, that it tends to produce life, and that it often transfers diseases.
Well, emotions can be managed, diseases can be treated, and life doesn't start right away anyways, so free sex is still fair game.
The consequences exist. They just do. So, abortion becomes an option to get rid of one of those consequences. People that are opposed to Initiative 26 have a lot of concerns about it and what it leads to - I am just going to focus on abortions for now.
There is the legitimate concern that criminalizing abortions will lead to more back-alley, coat hanger abortions and overdose abortions. This may happen. It's truly unfortunate. But there are consequences for actions, and getting an abortion is just a consequence for trying to avoid another consequence. It will still drastically reduce the number of abortions that occur.
A lot of people argue that this won't fix the problem. That there are too many unwanted pregnancies, that these children will grow up in homes that aren't able to provide, or that it will cause further problems on society. This is also probably true. Here's where I propose a radical idea:
Don't make criminalizing abortion the only step towards stopping abortions and unwanted pregnancies.
There's not just one solution to the problem!! Why is that so hard for people to see?! Don't just stop abortions. Educate kids better! Inform them of the consequences of sex, the safety and benefits of abstinence, AND how to use condoms! Have parents start preaching values again! Attach a modicum of morality and ethics to sex!
And if you are a person or group who is anti-abortion in an active, loud sense, then you damn better be pro-adoption. And I don't mean pro-adoption in the theoretical, supportive sense. I mean you better get off your ass and adopt some kids that need a home. If you care so much about those unborn babies, give them a good home to come to.
There's not one solution to the problems that ail our country. The financial crisis we are in is not due to a lack of oversight by the government. It is not due to rich people not paying enough taxes. It is not due to massive corporations not paying enough taxes, or banks being dumb with their money, or huge debt by the government, or huge debt by the American people, or defaulted housing or a lack of jobs. It is due to ALL of those things. Fix all of those things. Stop blaming each individual thing and fix all of them.
Abortion is no different. The problem isn't that people want to have free sex. The problem isn't that kids are uneducated, or that there is a lack of morals, or that men aren't taking responsibility for creating life, or that there aren't enough viable candidates for adoption. It's all of those things. We have to fix all of them.
I truly believe these problems, all of them, start at home. Families are broken down through divorce, values and morals have been lost, money is no longer saved, and everyone wants a nice house, car and TV. This lack of family values trickles into how we buy things, what we watch, and who we vote for, and here we are. Oversimplification? Yes. Accurate? Probably. Do I have any solutions? Men need to nut up and start raising families and everyone should go start buying into some reasonable system of morality and ethics. I can recommend true Christianity if you don't know where to start (meaning, not Christianity preached by someone trying to profit off of you or their fame, for starters). And start saving your money.
I don't know what I am talking about. I understand that. I turned from a logically thinking person to a crazy man spewing his ideas of how the world should look. But I just might be right. I think I am right. Sex isn't free, abortion is killing a person, life begins at conception, and work hard to raise a good family.
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